Monday 13 December 2010


I would like to begin my film opening in a similar way to the film i have studied, Dawn Of The Dead (2004) where the main character wakes up on her steering wheel after being in a car crash shortly after the opening credits have finished. I aim to use lots of high shots which will victimise my protagonist and make him look small as if the predator is watching him.

1: My first shot will be an establishing shot of a car in the middle of the road which has the drivers door open. From the distance, you can just about see the two passengers who are in the car passed out.

2: The camera will then close in onto the two characters, the driver is passed out on the steering wheel and the passenger is passed out with face away from the camera's view and is leaning on the window. The driver will begin to wake up and take in his surroundings as he thinks he has been in a car accident.

3: The third shot will be from inside the car as the male driver notices his girlfriend is passed out. After getting no response from her, he turns her head towards him to discover she is dead and as he takes his hand away from the back of her head it is revealed that it is covered in blood which denotes that something has happened to his girlfriend and connotes danger.

4: The fourth shot will be a long shot as the male gets out of the car and walks towards his house.

5: As he walks past his window, he notices a bloody hand print on the window which further connotes danger and intrigues the audience into knowing what has happened.

6: As he walks further towards his house, there is a body laying on the welcome mat with a baseball bat in hand. Sam takes this baseball bat which connotes that danger is to come and he will need protection.

7: As he walks into his house he picks up the house phone in hope to call somebody for help. However, there is no line. He puts the phone down and proceeds to walk through the house.

8: As he enters his front room, i hope to use an eyeline match as he see's another dead body on his. He then notices the mobile phone and takes it from the body's hand.

9: As he picks up the phone, he reads the text message that has been received that says "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!" the use of the capital letters emphasises the panic the victims have been in and intrigues the audience into knowing what has happened. I aim to use an over the shoulder shot of the male reading this message as it brings the audience closer to the action and helps them to emphasise with the characters.

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