Our brief was to produce the first two minutes of a horror film. We created a logo and a very short ident for our production company, as every film that we looked at had the institution before the opening or credits, giving the production its first sense of identity.

After analysing four film openings, i have acknowledged that all of them start by introducing the institution and productions company. For example Universal and Working title and for my film opening my institution will be CVHS Media and my production company will be One Bad Apple Productions. The opening will start with a black screen that will display the production logo for our institution. There will then be an establishing shot of a car which has two unconcious passengers in the front. Whilst the film is playing, i plan to fade the director and producer names in to show the audience who made the film. The drivers door in the car will be wide open which connotes a sense of mystery to the audience. During the film opening i plan to fade in the actors names and the crew who helped make the film, set and costumes. The camera will then zoom in on the male driver who begins to wake up and it looks like he has been involved in a carcrash, however he is unharmed. There is then a midshot as the driver turns to his female passenger and asks if she can hear him, as she doesnt move he lifts her head and discovers that she is dead and as he removes his hand he sees that it is covered in blood. The film title will then appear on a black screen. The driver then panics and gets out of the car and as he slowly takes in his surroundings he discovers a body laying face down on the doorstep of his house. It is now apparent that something more serious than a car accident has occured, he notices a bloody handprint on the window which denotes danger and the body is holding a baseball bat. The male picks up the baseball bat and discovers it is covered in blood which again denotes that something serious has occured and connotes that there is danger to come.

He then enters the house and immediatly picks up the phone to find that the line is completely dead, this connotes to the audience that he is the only person alive. As he shouts "hello" whilst walking through the house he finds another body who is holding a mobile phone and he takes the phone. There is an unsent text on the phone which reads, "we need to get out of here!!" and this frightens the male and he drops the phone. Throughout the opening, i plan to use lots of high shots which are from above the character to victimise him, this could connote danger to the audience. I have also considered applying the Male Gaze theory to my piece to portray the action from a male perspective to attract a female aswell as a male audience. I am also going to create realistic characters that my audience can relate to and this will involve me applying the Uses and Gratifications theory to my film opening so that viewers may seek out my film inorder to momentarily escape from reality.
I would like to introduce my titles in this order:
- Institution: CVHS Media Productions
- Production Comapy: One Bad Apple Productions
- A "" Film: A Jade Saunders Film
- Main Actor: Oliver Moss
-Main Actress: Emmaline Gordon
- Film Title: Solitude
- Actor/Actress 1: Sophie Tindall
- Actor/Actress 2: Natalie Gillam
- Actor/Actress 3: Samuel Hickey
- Actor/Actress 4: James Garrod
- Actor/Actress 5: Sally Cumberworth
- Actor/ Actress 6: Matthew Bigg
- Crew Member 1: Producer Georgie Gwalter
- Crew Member 2: Co-Producer Olivia Hannigan
- Crew Member 3: Casting By Jo Peplow-Revell
- Crew Member 4: Costume Designer Aaron Roberts
- Crew Member 5 : Director Of Photography Hollie Bulmer
- Crew Member 6: Music By Robert Mitson
- Crew Member 7: Titles By Abi Crafter
- Crew Member 8: Screenplay By Jo Roberts
- Crew Member 9: Film Editor Sally Cumberworth
- Crew Member 10: Production Designer Matt Bigg
- Crew Member 11: Executive Producer Tamer Saleh
- Director - Directed By Jade Saunders
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